Greater New Haven Community Index (2016)

A complete update of DataHaven's popular 2013 report, the 2016 Community Index report is approximately 80 pages in length and contains over 50 infographics and tables related to well-being in the Greater New Haven area.

Understanding Well-being, Economic Opportunity, and Change in Greater New Haven Neighborhoods

The report is written by Mary Buchanan and Mark Abraham of DataHaven, in partnership with The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Yale New Haven Health, City of New Haven Health Department, NewAlliance Foundation, Carolyn Foundation, Community Alliance for Research and Engagement at the Yale School of Public Health, United Way of Greater New Haven, Annie E. Casey Foundation, United Illuminating and others. It relies on data from federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as information collected directly from residents as part of the statewide 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey.

Read the full Report