Nancy Valentine
Originally a Rhode Island native, Nancy moved to Connecticut in 1973 before moving to Ansonia shortly thereafter where she has lived since and currently resides with her husband, William Zwack.
Nancy volunteers in many facets at TEAM, Inc.: as a VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Associate) for more than a decade, a member of the Valley Senior Service Council, Valley Caregivers, Annual Intergenerational Fashion Show, and Festival of Trees committee. She has been a Rotarian since 1999 and serves as Treasurer of the Seymour Oxford Rotary Club. Nancy also serves on the Hallock’s Landing Board of Directors and the BHcare Business Advisory Council, and additionally volunteers with the Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut.
Beginning service as a Senior Warden at Christ Episcopal Church in Ansonia in 2019, Nancy is active with the Vestry, Episcopal Church Women’s Group, and fundraising activities. She also is a Corporator with Griffin Hospital, as well as a volunteer at Seven Angels Theatre in Waterbury.
Nancy has the distinction of being the first woman Mayor for the City of Ansonia, is a lay reader, Notary Public, and a Justice of the Peace.